I'm doing code

and.. content

Nihao! My name is Valeriy. Am a Java Backend Developer, Podcaster, Volunteer. I just want to be a helpful person, and if You want to do something, let's go it together?


A little bit about my way..

  1. First Java projects

    I started learning Java. I wrote the first small console applications, started writing minecraft plugins.

  2. First Web Projects

    Started working with a framework of one of my friend for web development - Recon. It was an interesting experience, I learnt how simple it is. I got a job on my first small enterprise project.

  3. First Big Backend - NashVPN

    I was invited to develop a Java backend for VPN service - NashVPN. There I had to develop my own library for generating Outline keys and get acquainted with making payments.

  4. OneVPN

    Fully developed a VPN service on demand from a freelance exchange. It was written entirely in Java and Spring. I developed a key management panel, a bot, and even an app (Android only).

    Open panel

P.S. It's important to say that only the most important steps for me are marked here. In between, I improve and continue to improve my development skills, take orders and do them. But I'm always open to any commercial offers, Hah.